Prepared some vegetables for our chickens. ——— Hautatud köögiviljad kanadele (keri alla eestikeelse osani).

I boiled some vegetables for our chickens. Just to use those small carrots. I also have tiny potatoes but forgot about them as I wanted to try radishes and mangolds as well…. and oh boy is this mangold the best thing ever or what!?! I haven’t done this (boiling vegetables for chicken) before so it is such a surprise. So sweet. Have to look for ideas how to incorporate this vegetable into our dishes as well.

Vegetables for chickens.


Keetsin kanadele juurikaid kuna tahtsin pisikesi porgandeid ära kasutada. Meil on tillukesi kartuleid ka, aga unustasin need hoopis ära, sest tahtsin keedetud rediseid ja söödapeeti ka proovida… ja ossa poiss küll see söödapeet on hea! Ma pole midagi sellist varem teinud (st pole köögivilju spetsiaalselt kanadele keetnud). Nii, et see tuli mulle üllatusena, et söödapeet nii magus on. Vaja nüüd ideid otsida, kuidas seda meie roogades ka kasutada.


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